
Showing posts from April, 2018
this photo was taken with one of the new lenses I got to test out to see if the depth  of field was good. it was a really good opportunity to take the photo because it barely was sunny this week, but I managed to get out there and take my camera and get some  photos.
this is a view of the other side of the window of which my little brother was looking through. I guess it was a pretty mesmerizing view from his point of view.   
although the photo looks grainy, I still liked it because it a nice picture of my little brother. I never can get this guy to stand still, but I caught him at the front window looking out to my dads old work car. for some reason he was staring at it, so what ever it was I thank them for keeping this guy still for me.
PAST This was one of my very first photos taken when I first started taking photos. Its an interesting photo and it has some kind of mystery to it because, I have no idea where this photo was taken or exactly whos in it. I don't know exactly if this photo is worthy of publishing but its always good to look back and see how far you've come in photography.
REFLECTION Anything can become a canvas. this was a road behind my house that I always use to walk home. I never really noticed the  amount of puddles that were there. but I took out my camera and gave it a chance. With the right composition and the right lines you can make some interesting photos from regular plain things, like this road behind my house.
Sun On Our Backs typical spring day, the sun comes back a long winter. To the right of the picture represents the winter. Its time for a new start and to the left is spring. The left is more vibrant and more color while the right is more dark and cold like the winter.